Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shengli-the first company to use Guerrilla Marketing

Shengli Beer Company, located in Guangzhou, is the first company in China use Guerrilla marketing.
Because of its ordinary taste and unattractive package, Shengli's target market used to focus on middle age people. However, in 2001, when Shengli was trying to promote its new product to young people, the president of Shengli found out that there was a new marketing strategy-guerrilla marketing being widely used in western country. therefore, he decided to put away all the traditional advertising and start to implement guerrilla marketing.
They created a new strange and ugly cartoon character named Sammy. its personality is similar with what today's young people have, a little simple-minded, mischievous, selfish and pure. They wrote a series of stories that reflect young people's life by using this cartoon character, and then send to all people they know via e-mails. Just two days, most of college and university students
began to talk about this cartoon character. According to the research report that Shengli did in that year, almost 98% of young people from 18 years old to 24 years old had known this cartoon and Shengli beer. These young people not only downloaded it as desktop wallpaper but also used its image to make masques, printers and the like for different parties.
Fortunately, after just 4 months, the sales of Shengli beer had achieved about 68% of its estimated annual sales.

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